
Maui Special

To help after the Maui Fires, businesses or individuals can join Aloha Barter with no entry fee, no monthly fee and no transaction fees for one year!

Barter Grants are being given to fire-affected businesses. To tell your story and apply for a grant email toni@alohabarter.com.
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  • Free Registration
  • No Annual Renewal Fee
  • Unlimited Free Ads on Trading Floor
  • Only 5% Cash Transaction Fee (for Maui Aloha Barter members, the transaction fee is waived for one year through Sept. 2024)
  • $10 Admin Fee – FREE 1st 3-months (waived for Maui through Sept. 2024)
  • $200 Credit Line to Start Trading*(*once a product or service ad is put on the marketplace)

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